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Trifork's new office in Nordhavn, Copenhagen, embodies Trifork's commitment to improving the world. It is constructed using sustainable materials, and this minimalist building not only reflects sustainable construction practices but also incorporates new technologies to maintain long-term sustainability.
Together, Trifork and SQUARELY COPENHAGEN are leveraging both companies’ vision of changing the world for the better. Supporting Trifork's vision of creating office spaces rooted in sustainable materials with SQUARELY planters and greenery.
SQUARELY takes care of people and planet, by integrating nature to office spaces in smart-solutions, while reusing left-over wood. In this case SQUARELY’s planters offered as well the modularity, providing a flexible solution for welcoming spaces conducive to networking and creativity. These planters are strategically placed in common areas, serving as dividers and fostering relaxed environments for networking and dialogue.